Talares is a Scala and Java library that leverages the Tridion OData webservice to make Tridion content available in Scala and Java projects.
It's main advantages are:
- Supplies a non-blocking Scala API and both a non-blocking and a blocking Java API.
- Makes use of an SDL supported product (the Tridion OData webservice).
- Requires minimal configuration.
- Removes the need for packaging a Tridion license within a project freeing said project from machine specific configuration and in turn allowing unlimited horizontal scalability.1
- Multiple cache options leverage your own cache implementation. Auto update cache allows for cached content to be updated asynchronously, making sure clients always receive a cached and up to date version of the content.2
- A Scala query DSL allows for extending the core functionality ad-hoc.
1 Horizontal scalability will be limited by the load a single OData webservice will be able to handle and
the architecture of the adopting project.
2 Whether a cached value is up to date depends on the frequency of both the cache being updated and the
being accessed.