Scala OData Query DSL
A limited OData query DSL is available to Scala users, allowing them to supply their own queries to be executed by the library. This allows users to extend upon the convenience methods, supplied by the library out of the box, ad hoc.
The DSL tries to mimic the visual representation of an OData URL as much as operator precedence will allow. The following code demonstrates this.
import org.talares.api.queries._
Query / "Pages" / "Component" % ("ItemId" -> 123, "PublicationId" -> 1) $ ("Title" ==| "Test Title") && ("Url" !=| "test-url")
// result: /Pages/Component(ItemId=123,PublicationId=1)?$filter=Title eq 'Test Title' and Url ne 'test-url'
The above example also demonstrates what is currently possible using the DSL, namely specifying endpoints and applying n filters to these endpoints.
Filters can be applied to any field of a specific data type. In the example above, the fields Title and Url of the data type Page are filtered upon. Note that, in contrary to their Talares representation, the Tridion data type field names use Pascal casing. Also note that the first data type stated in the query is a plural. Consecutive data types, the data types within the first data type, are singularly named.
Once an instance of a query is created it can be passed to a Talares instance for execution. The specific expected data type will have to be provided so the library will know what data type to unmarshall the webservice response to. The result can either be a single instance or a collection of the expected type as, prior to the execution of the query, it is unknown how many results the query will produce.
Example usage:
import org.talares.api.queries._
val talares = Talares()
val query = Query \ "Pages" % ("ItemId" -> 123, "PublicationId" -> 1)
val queryResult = talares.executeQuery[Page](query)